Friday 20 May 2022



Time goes by fast, even if for me it seemed painfully slow, five hundred fifty four days imprisoned in Egypt and Cyprus, as well as three hundred and sixty days at home, today is finally the day of my release. I am so glad that this nightmare has ended, and I want to leave every negative feeling behind.

But I cannot fail to mention the complete lack of communication and cooperation of the Cypriot Embassy in Egypt as well as the Government. The inability to take responsibility and control, nearly cost me my life.  If it wasn’t for LOATKI Greece who went on my socials and published my disappearance, I don’t know if the first contact from the Cypriot Embassy in the police station in Egypt would ever occur. 

I cannot forget how they left me behind, due to the complete negligence of the ambassador as well as the diplomats, I was ruined psychologically as well as physically from the barbarity of some of the police officers as well as others. The rapes ended and some behaviours were since the government finally intervened and commanded the diplomats to check if I’m still alive, weighing just 38 kilos at the end of August 2020. It was a whole seven months after my arrest (15/01/2022), my cell was 10 steps away from the entrance to the station and they didn’t bother to come, this is something that I can never forgive, it’s a deep wound that hurts me a lot. As a person, I consider myself to be an optimist, I believe life is too short to be holding grudges, but I have a responsibility to warn other Cypriot people not to come to a situation where they might need help from these incompetent people which as a result could ruin their lives. 

However, I do want to thank some Egyptian police officers whose treatment and protection gave me a bit of hope that not everyone is the same. 

I also want to pass my gratitude to the management of the Central Police Station in Cyprus, whose amazing conduct, made my enclosed days to go by as humane as possible. 

I also want to thank you all for your undivided love with the beautiful messages as well as the female mutual support, together we can change a lot, remember this. 

Lastly and more importantly, I have talked a lot about my beloved mum, I hope a thank you and a sorry is enough, my love will always be here for you. 

Yours sincerely, 

Tina Liasi